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ASSOMET - National Association of Non-Ferrous Metal Industries

Over a thousand member companies

ASSOMET: main objectives

ASSOMET is the Italian national association representing the non-ferrous metal industries (Aluminium, Lead, Copper, Nickel, Zinc, Tin, Precious Metals) and groups together companies involved in the production, processing and trade of non-ferrous metals in Italy.

ASSOMET represents an authoritative voice for the non-ferrous sector in Italy and Europe, playing a key role in promoting the growth and development of the sector and ensuring the protection of its members' interests.

The main objectives of the organisation are:

  • Promoting the development of the non-ferrous metals sector in Italy.
  • Protecting the interests of its members talking to the Italian government and the European Union.
  • Offer its members a range of services, including: lobbying, information services, networking, training.

ASSOMET: main activities

ASSOMET deals mainly with:

  • Promoting the use of non-ferrous metals: ASSOMET encourages their use in various sectors, such as construction, transport and packaging.
  • Encouraging research and development: ASSOMET encourages research and development in the non-ferrous metals sector.
  • Supporting the circular economy: ASSOMET supports the development of a circular economy for non-ferrous metals.
  • Promoting sustainability: ASSOMET promotes sustainable practices in the non-ferrous metals sector.

Discover the FT Mercati Platform

Is the non-ferrous metals sector strategic for your company? Thanks to the FT Mercati Platform, you can benefit from numerous advantages and receive daily and weekly ASSOMET prices for crude, semi-finished and scrap.

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