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Real-Time Currency Exchange and Exchange Rate

Euro Dollar Exchange Rate

Real-Time Currency Exchange and Exchange Rate

FT Mercati provides a wide range of information on Currencies and Interest Rates.

The International Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX) is the world's largest financial market. It is an OTC (Over The Counter - i.e. outside the stock exchange circuits) market characterised by extreme liquidity and a very large trading volume.

Forex traders are central banks, large banking groups, multinational companies, governments, other financial markets. Individual traders can trade Forex indirectly through banks or specialised brokers. Forex is open 24 hours a day except at weekends.

Information on Currencies and Interest Rates

  • Spot quotes: the main exchange rates against the euro and the dollar are constantly updated on the opening days of the FOREX.
  • ECB Fixing: All official exchange rates communicated by the ECB are displayed. It is possible to display the historical data of each exchange rate both as a graph and as a table.
  • Forwards: for the main exchange rates against the euro and the dollar, forwards of up to ten years are indicated.
  • Euribor: one week, one month, three, six and twelve months Euribor interest rates are indicated.

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Are real-time currency and exchange rates strategic information for your business? Thanks to the FT Mercati Platform, you can benefit from numerous advantages.

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Real-time currency exchange and exchange rate