LME real-time quotations



MCX Licensed Data Distributor

Multi Commodity Exchange - MCX Mumbai: India's first regulated market

Multi Commodity Exchange - MCX what it is

The Multi Commodity Exchange - MCX in Mumbai, India's first regulated market, is one of the benchmarks for trading and regulating derivative instruments on commodities, allowing the management and hedging of price risk. The MCX has been active since November 2003. There are more than thirty commodities listed on this market, belonging to the precious metals, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, energy and agricultural categories.

FT Mercati, as Licensed Data Distributor CMX, distributes Multi Commodity Exchange data via Web and Mobile services.

Main listed commodities

The main commodities listed on the Multi Commodity Exchange - MCX in Mumbai are:

  • Agriculture: agricultural products listed on the Mumbai market cover a wide range of contracts: from oils to cereals, from spices to pulses.
  • Energy: oil and fuel oil are traded daily on the MCX.
  • Non-ferrous/ferrous metals: non-ferrous metals include Copper, Aluminium, Nickel, Lead, Tin and Zinc. A steel quotation completes the offer for ferrous products.
  • Precious: the Mumbai Stock Exchange quotes gold and silver.
FT Mercati is CMX licensed data distributor