Ferrous - non-ferrous scrap quotation, FT Mercati



Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap quotation

We accurately calculate the value of your ferrous and non-ferrous scrap

FT Mercati's Ferrous (Iron, Cast Iron and Steel) and Non-Ferrous (Aluminium, Brass, Copper, Nickel, Tin, Lead, Zinc) Scrap Quotation Service is recognised in Italy as the national point of reference in the main tenders of public bodies and private companies.
The quotations for the main categories of ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel scrap displayed in FT Mercati are based on the weekly survey of prices exchanged by the main Italian scrap dealers.
Each contributor provides the price range for which he was willing to buy the goods delivered to his warehouse; the data are then statistically processed and screened to determine the minimum and maximum values for each week of the survey.

Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap quotation: how the service works

The quotations are based on the weekly collection of prices exchanged by the main Italian scrap dealers.
Each contributor provides a price range at which he's willing to buy the delivered goods; these prices reflect the supply and demand in the scrap market and take into account factors such as availability, quality and quantity of the material.
Once the data has been collected from the various contributors, these values are processed and statistically screened to determine the minimum and maximum values for each week of the survey, ensuring that the quotations are reliable and representative of the market.

Ferrous - non-ferrous scrap quotation

Whether you sell or buy scrap, you cannot do without FT Mercati's price references!

The FT Mercati service is used by ASSOFERMET, the leading trade association in the world of scrap metal, for its fortnightly bulletin.